Religion vs. My Faith: The Way Hinduism Altered My Perspective

I am a female who follows Hinduism ideals.  My religion shapes my overall identity, as it influences the way I perceive things, my decisions, and what I believe is considered important. My culture allows me to have a whole new outlook on life based on the morals of the Hindu religion. Religion governs every step of a dedicated Hindu who is pulled to it and significantly influences my thoughts, behavior, and attitude toward myself, others, and the world. Hinduism is not regarded as a religion but a way of life. It is difficult to divorce a committed Hindu's faith from their manner of life or way of life. Both are inextricably linked. Both are complementary to one another. Both exist because of the other, and without the other, neither would have purpose or value. Therefore, being a part of this community makes me have a different perspective towards my life morals.

Despite being classified as a Hindu, I, as an individual, am open to all other religions and perspectives as each has its own uniqueness in some way or form. I am always open to learning new beliefs as it opens my eyes for the better and shows how distinct each of us are. Even though we may not internally believe in the same faith, this does not discredit any other perspective in any way. In fact, it provides diversity to my knowledge and shows me that, depending on the human, there are different ways to perceive things other than the way I perceive them. 

Having an opportunity to become a Next Gen Civic Fellow this summer is allowing me to collaborate with other civic minded peers regarding crucial issues, building teamwork, and strengthening my leadership skills. It is giving me the chance to hear different perspectives–and to analyze the differences. It is further equipping me to be well-informed as well as an active citizen, potentially making a difference in the world. I believe it is assisting young people, like myself, in developing valuable employment skills and networks that can be a source of economic mobility. I believe that I can have a dramatic and long-term influence when I feel encouraged to take action and see how my efforts result in positive change. Volunteering my time, talents, expertise, and enthusiasm to improve the quality of my community demonstrates civic leadership by identifying methods to have a positive impact on my community for the greater good.

Civic education is something that is very necessary for all to receive. It demonstrates the crucial importance of many severe ongoing issues in the world. Additionally, participating in cross-partisan conversations about different aspects of civic engagement is providing me with essential tools required to nurture good change through developing and applying my knowledge, talents, and voice. Such measures can aid in the improvement of issues that affect everyone's health and well-being and, in fact, society as a whole.

The Next Gen Civic Fellowship is assisting me in developing critical skills that are necessary in gaining more knowledge about civic engagement. Conversing with different experts, as well as peers, is helping me acquire foundational skills to become a good citizen who promotes positivity. I’m committed to having a well-rounded summer that involves gaining more information about very critical issues through conversation and analysis of different perspectives. I hope over time, more and more youth will feel the same, equipping us to be leaders in creating generational change.

Rhia Kumar is a rising senior at Francis Lewis High School and a Next Gen Civic Fellow. Rhia has always loved STEM, however she hopes to go beyond her comfort zone to explore crucial civic issues that have an impact on the world. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, traveling, and volunteering in her community. 


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